Source code for nrgpy.utils.nsd_functions

from datetime import date
from nrgpy.utils.utilities import check_platform
import traceback

if check_platform() == "win32":
        import pyodbc
        print("pyodbc required for nrg functions")
    import pandas as pd

[docs]class nsd(object): """class for handling NSD files from Symphonie Logger Data. Parameters ---------- nsd_file : str path to nsd file to open for reading and writing Returns ------- obj Example ------- >>> from nrgpy.nsd_functions import nsd >>> db = nsd(nsd_file="C:/NRG/SiteFiles/0322.nsd") >>> db.read_channel_settings(channel=1) >>> db.channel_settings TimeStamp Channel SensorType SensorDesc SerialNumber Height ScaleFactor Offset PrintPrecision Units SensorDetail SensorNotes 0 1899-12-30 1 1 NRG #40 Anem. m/s SN002618 50 m 0.766 0.332 1 m/s >>> db.write_channel_settings(channel=1, description="50m CLASS 1 m/s", scale_factor=1, offset=1) >>> db.read_channel_settings(channel=1) >>> db.channel_settings TimeStamp Channel SensorType SensorDesc SerialNumber Height ScaleFactor Offset PrintPrecision Units SensorDetail SensorNotes 0 1899-12-30 1 1 50m CLASS 1 m/s SN002618 50 m 1.0 1.0 """ from nrgpy.utils.utilities import check_platform def __init__(self, nsd_file=""): if check_platform() != "win32": print("nsd functions only compatible with Windows") # return # 0 self.nsd_file = nsd_file self.driver_check = self.check_for_jet_drivers() if self.driver_check: try: self.conn_str = ( r"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};" + r"DBQ=" + self.nsd_file + ";" ) self.conn = pyodbc.connect(self.conn_str) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) self.e = e print("whomp, whomp.") else: print("Microsoft Access drivers required for these functions.") print("Download drivers from:") print("\n\n") print("Note: Python architecture must match any installed Microsoft Office") print("architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)") print( "If your MS Office is installed in C:\Program Files (x86), you'll need" ) print("the 32-bit version of Python 3+ to use these functions\n\n")
[docs] def read_sensor_history(self): """read SensorHistory table into dataframe Returns ------- obj sensor_history : pandas dataframe """ sql = "SELECT * FROM SensorHistory" try: self.sensor_history = pd.read_sql(sql, self.conn) except Exception as e_sh: self.sensor_history_e = e_sh
[docs] def read_channel_settings(self, channel=0, dash=False): """read individual channel settings from sensor history table Parameters ---------- channel : int 1 through 15 (12 if Sym Classic nsd file) Returns ------- obj pandas dataframe of channel details """ sql = "SELECT * FROM SensorHistory WHERE Channel = {0}".format(channel) try: if dash: self._channel_settings = pd.read_sql(sql, self.conn) else: self.channel_settings = pd.read_sql(sql, self.conn) except Exception as rcs_e: self.channel_settings = False self.rcs_e = rcs_e
[docs] def write_channel_settings( self, channel=0, entry=1, sensor_desc="", print_precision=-9999, units="", serial_number="", height="", sensor_detail="", sensor_notes="", scale_factor=-9999, offset=-9999, ): """write new sensor history to site file Parameters ---------- channel : int required; 1 through 15 (or 1 through 12 for Sym Classic) entry : int default is 1 for channel baseline values, 2, 3, etc. for newer entries sensor_desc : string print_precision : int 1, 2, 3, or 4 or 0 for off units : string serial_number : string height : string sensor_detail : string sensor_notes : string scale_factor : float offset : float """ if channel > 0: self.read_channel_settings(channel=channel, dash=True) entry_index = list(range(1, len(self._channel_settings) + 1)) self._channel_settings.insert(loc=0, column="entry", value=entry_index) entry_timestamp = pd.Timestamp( self._channel_settings[ self._channel_settings.entry == entry ].TimeStamp.item() ).to_pydatetime() channel = " WHERE Channel = {} AND TimeStamp = ?".format(str(channel)) if sensor_desc != "": sensor_desc = " SensorDesc = '{}',".format(sensor_desc) if print_precision != -9999: print_precision = " PrintPrecision = {},".format(str(print_precision)) else: print_precision = "" if units != "": units = " Units = '{}',".format(units) if serial_number != "": serial_number = " SerialNumber = '{}'," if height != "": height = " Height = '{}',".format(height) if scale_factor != -9999: scale_factor = " ScaleFactor = {},".format(str(scale_factor)) else: scale_factor = "" if offset != -9999: offset = " Offset = {},".format(str(offset)) else: offset = "" if sensor_detail != "": sensor_detail = " SensorDetail = '{}',".format(sensor_detail) if sensor_notes != "": sensor_notes = " SensorNotes = '{}',".format(sensor_notes) sql = "UPDATE SensorHistory SET{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}".format( sensor_desc, print_precision, units, serial_number, height, str(scale_factor), str(offset), sensor_detail, sensor_notes, )[:-1] self.sql = sql + str( channel ) # ''.join([char for char in sql+str(channel)]) self.conn.execute(self.sql, entry_timestamp) self.conn.commit() else: print( 'specify channel for write "eg: write_channel_settings(channel=10 .. )"' )
[docs] def add_channel_history( self, timestamp="", channel=0, sensor_type="1", sensor_desc="", print_precision=4, units="", serial_number="", height="", sensor_detail="", sensor_notes="", scale_factor=-9999, offset=-9999, ): """use for adding new sensor history registries Parameters ---------- timestamp : string "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" channel : int or string, channel number sensor_type : int or string, number: 1 : anemometer 2 : totalizer (rain gauge) 3 : vane 4 : analog (temp, bp, rh, etc.) sensor_desc : string description print_precision : int 1 through 4, number of decimals units : string serial_number : string height : float sensor_detail : note sensor_notes : note scale_factor : float offset : float """ try: sql = """ INSERT INTO SensorHistory ([TimeStamp], Channel, SensorType, SensorDesc, SerialNumber, Height, ScaleFactor, Offset, PrintPrecision, Units, SensorDetail, SensorNotes) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}','{4}','{5}', '{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}');""".format( timestamp, channel, sensor_type, sensor_desc, serial_number, height, scale_factor, offset, print_precision, units, sensor_detail, sensor_notes, ) self.conn.execute(sql) self.conn.commit() except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Unable to add sensor history value") print(e)
[docs] def close(self): """close connection to database""" self.conn.close()
[docs] def check_for_jet_drivers(self): """check for jet database drivers Returns ------- bool True if drivers present, otherwise False """ self.drivers = [x for x in pyodbc.drivers()] if "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)" in self.drivers: return True return False