Source code for nrgpy.utils.ipk2lgr

from datetime import datetime
import os
import sys

[docs]def ipk2lgr(ipkfile): today ="%Y-%m-%d") # handle the old and new filenames, abort if filename bad filenameroot = "" filename = filenameroot + ipkfile lgrfilename = filename[:-3] + "lgr" if os.path.isfile(filename) == False: return "file doesn't exist" if os.path.isfile(lgrfilename) == True: # replace existing lgr file lgrfile = open(lgrfilename, "w+") lgrfile.truncate() else: lgrfile = open(lgrfilename, "w+") # read the ipk file into array, map included in comments below ipkfile = open(filename, "r") ipkline = [] for line in ipkfile: try: int(line) ipkline.append(str(int(line))) except: ipkline.append(line[1:-2]) # assign smtp port if older IPK file if len(ipkline) < 35: smtpport = str(25) else: smtpport = str(ipkline[35]) # get iPack type try: ipacktype, apn = ipackinfo(ipkline[18]) except: ipacktype, apn = ipackinfo_backup(ipkline[0]) # write the settings into a new lgr file try: writearray = [] writearray.append( ";Renewable NRG Systems SymphoniePRO & iPack Configuration File" ) writearray.append(";Software Version: x.x.x.x (converted with Python)") writearray.append(";Generated: " + today) writearray.append("") writearray.append("[FileHeader]") writearray.append("FormatVersion=1") writearray.append("") writearray.append("[EmailSchedule]") writearray.append("Frequency=" + callinterval(int(ipkline[17]))) writearray.append("Time(UTC)=" + calltime(int(ipkline[16]))) writearray.append("SmtpServer=" + ipkline[9]) writearray.append("SmtpPort=" + smtpport) writearray.append("SmtpUserName=" + ipkline[28]) writearray.append("Password=" + ipkline[29]) writearray.append("SendersEmail=" + ipkline[12]) writearray.append("SendersName=") writearray.append("RecipientsEmail=" + ipkline[10]) writearray.append("RecipientsName=" + ipkline[11]) writearray.append("CCEmail1=" + ipkline[25]) writearray.append("CCEmail2=" + ipkline[26]) writearray.append("Subject=" + ipkline[14]) writearray.append("") writearray.append("[TimeService]") writearray.append("SntpServer=" + ipkline[15]) writearray.append("UseSntp=On") writearray.append("UseGps=On") writearray.append("") writearray.append("[iPackNetwork]") writearray.append("iPackModel=" + ipacktype) writearray.append("IspUserName=" + ipkline[4]) writearray.append("IspPassword=" + ipkline[5]) if apn == True: writearray.append("GsmApn=" + ipkline[30]) writearray.append("Pin=") # +ipkline[19]) writearray.append("DialString=" + ipkline[0]) writearray.append("PrimaryDNS=" + ipkline[2]) writearray.append("SecondaryDNS=" + ipkline[3]) writearray.append("") writearray.append("[LoggerInitiatedSchedule]") writearray.append("Frequency=Disabled") writearray.append("Time(UTC)=00:00") writearray.append("PrimaryHost=") writearray.append("PrimaryPort=30406") writearray.append("SecondaryHost=") writearray.append("SecondaryPort=30406") writearray.append("Backup=On") # enable connections to listener server writearray.append("") writearray.append("[LoggerListeningSchedule]") writearray.append("Frequency=" + callinterval(int(ipkline[17]))) writearray.append("Time(UTC)=12:00") writearray.append("Duration=1 Hour") # write array to file print("\nWriting data to {0} ...\t\t".format(lgrfilename), end="", flush=True) for row in writearray: lgrfile.write("%s\n" % row) lgrfile.close() print("[DONE]") except: lgrfile.close() print("Unable to convert file".format(ipkfile))
[docs]def callinterval(original): if int(original) < 3600: callint = str(original / 60) + " Minutes" elif int(original) > 3600 and int(original) < 86400: callint = str(original / 3600) + " Hours" elif int(original) == 86400: callint = "Daily" elif int(original) > 86400 and int(original) < 520000: callint = str(original / 86400) + " Days" elif int(original) > 520000: callint = "Weekly" return callint
[docs]def calltime(original): return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(original)).strftime("%H:%M")
[docs]def ipackinfo(typeint): ipackdefs = ( ["OTHER", "?", 0, False], ["CM900", "CM900", 1, False], ["GSM", "GSM", 2, True], ["CERMETEK", "Dial-up", 3, False], ["DOCOMO", "DoCoMo", 4, False], ["CDMA", "CDMA", 5, False], ["IRIDIUM", "Iridium", 6, False], ["GLOBALSTAR", "GlobalStar", 7, False], ["DIRECT", "iPackACCESS (7169)", 8, False], ["CDMA_C1", "iPackGPS CDMA (4621)", 9, False], ["GSM_G2_R1", "iPackGPS GSM (4622)", 10, True], ["GSM_3G", "iPackGPS 3G (7984)", 11, True], ["CDMA_C2", "iPackGPS CDMA (4621)", 12, False], ["2G_GSM_G3", "iPackGPS GSM (4622)", 13, True], ["LTE_TDD", "iPackGPS LTE-TDD (9388)", 14, True], ["LTE_VZW", "iPackGPS LTE-VZW (9390)", 15, True], ["LTE_ATT", "iPackGPS LTE-ATT (9389)", 16, True], ) ipacktype = ipackdefs[typeint][1] apn = ipackdefs[typeint][3] return ipacktype, apn
[docs]def ipackinfo_backup(phonestr): if phonestr[:3] == "*99": ipacktype = "iPackGPS GSM (4622)" apn = True elif phonestr[:4] == "#777": ipacktype = "iPackGPS CDMA (4621)" apn = False else: ipacktype = "iPackACCESS (7169)" apn = True return ipacktype, apn
if __name__ == "__main__": ipk2lgr(sys.argv[1]) # # # # # # # # iPack file Line assignment (0 indexed) # # 0 = Primary ISP Phone Number # 1 = Secondary ISP Phone Number (hidden) # 2 = Primary DNS number # 3 = Secondary DNS number # 4 = ISP User name # 5 = ISP Password # 6 = POP Mailbox Name # 7 = POP Mailbox Password # 8 = POP3 server # 9 = SMTP server # 10 = Recipient's E-Mail Address # 11 = Recipient's Name # 12 = Sender's E-Mail Address # 13 = # 14 = E-Mail Subject Line # 15 = Internet Time Server # 16 = Next Call Time (seconds since 1970) # 17 = Call Interval (seconds) # 18 = iPack type: # 0 = OTHER # 1 = AMPS # 2 = GSM/GPRS # 3 = Dial-up # 4 = DoCoMo # 5 = CDMA # 6 = Satellite ... etc... # 19 = GSM pin # 20 = # 21 = # 22 = # 23 = # 24 = Patch Password # 25 = CC E-Mail Address # 26 = CC E-Mail Address 2 # 27 = My SMTP Server requires authentication 1/0 # 28 = SMTP Login # 29 = SMTP Password # 30 = APN Name (GPRS Only) # 31 = Download partial files 255/0 # 32 = Check POP mailbox 255/0 # 33 = Enable SMTP 255/0 # 34 = POP Port # 35 = SMTP Port # 36 = Enable Modbus? 1/0 # 37 = Modbus Slave Address (1-255) # 38 = Modpus Port (1-65535) # 39 = Enable DHCP? 1/0 # 40 = Static IP Address # 41 = Subnet Mask # 42 = Gateway IP Address # 43 = Statistical Data Interval (seconds) # 44 = Stale Data Timeout (seconds) # 45 = Use Secure IP Address 1/0 # 46 - 55 = Allowed IP Address 1 - 10 # # # # # # # LGR file comms line assignment # 1 = ;Renewable NRG Systems SymphoniePRO & iPack Configuration File (comment) # 2 = ;Software Version: (build 27564 (modified) 2016-09-08) (comment) # 3 = ;Generated: 2016-11-21 10:02:29 (comment) # 4 = # 5 = [FileHeader] # 6 = FormatVersion=1 # 7 = # 8 = [EmailSchedule] # 9 = Frequency=Daily # 10 = Time(UTC)=12:10 # 11 = SmtpServer= # 12 = SmtpPort= # 13 = SmtpUserName= # 14 = Password= # 15 = SendersEmail= # 16 = SendersName= # 17 = RecipientsEmail= # 18 = CCEmail1= # 19 = CCEmail2= # 21 = Subject= # 22 = # 23 = [TimeService] # 24 = # 25 = UseSntp=Off # 26 = UseGps=On # 27 = # 28 = [iPackNetwork] # 29 = iPackModel=iPackGPS CDMA (4621) OR # iPackModel=iPackACCESS (7169) # iPackModel=iPackGPS DoCoMo (4623) *USES APN & PIN # iPackModel=iPackGPS 3G (7984) *USES APN & PIN # iPackModel=iPackGPS GSM (4622) *USES APN & PIN # 30 = IspUserName=web # 31 = IspPassword=web # 32 = GsmApn= # 33 = Pin= # 34 = DialString=#777 or *99***1# # 35 = PrimaryDNS= # 36 = SecondaryDNS= # 37