Source code for

    from nrgpy import logger
except ImportError:
import datetime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from glob import glob
import os
import pandas as pd
from nrgpy.utils.utilities import (
import traceback

[docs]class SymProTextRead: def __init__( self, filename: str = "", out_file: str = "", text_timestamps: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Class of pandas dataframes created from SymPRO standard txt output. If a filename is passed when calling class, the file is read in alone. Otherwise, an instance of the class is created, and the concat_txt function may be called to combine all txt files in a directory. Filters may be used on any part of the filename, to combine a subset of text files in a directory. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional path to filename out_file : str, optional path to outputted file text_timestamps : boolean set to True for text timestamps Attributes --------- ch_info : obj pandas dataframe of ch_list (below) pulled out of file with sympro_txt_read.arrange_ch_info() ch_list : list list of channel info; can be converted to json w/ import json ... json.dumps(fut.ch_info) data : obj pandas dataframe of all data head : obj lines at the top of the txt file..., used when rebuilding timeshifted files site_info : obj pandas dataframe of site information logger_sn : str logger_type : str logger_firmware : str ipack_sn : str ipack_type : str ipack_firmware : str latitude : float longitude : float elevation : int site_number : str site_description : str start_date : str """ self.filename = filename self.text_timestamps = text_timestamps self.out_file = out_file self.reader_type = "SymphoniePRO" if out_file == "": out_file ="%Y-%m-%d") + "_SymPRO.txt" if "ch_details" in kwargs: self.ch_details = kwargs.get("ch_details") else: self.ch_details = False if "site_details" in kwargs: self.site_details = kwargs.get("site_details") if self.filename: i = 0 with open(self.filename) as infile: for line in infile: if line == "Data\n": break else: i = i + 1 with open(self.filename) as myfile: self.head = "".join([next(myfile) for x in range(2)]) header_len = i + 1 read_len = header_len - 5 self.site_info = pd.read_csv( self.filename, skiprows=2, sep="\t", index_col=False, nrows=read_len, usecols=[0, 1], header=None, ) self.site_info = self.site_info.iloc[ : self.site_info.loc[self.site_info[0] == "Data"].index.tolist()[0] + 1 ] = pd.read_csv( self.filename, skiprows=header_len, sep="\t", encoding="iso-8859-1" ) if not self.text_timestamps:["Timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(["Timestamp"]) self.first_timestamp =[0]["Timestamp"] self.arrange_ch_info() if not hasattr(self, "site_details"): self.format_site_data() def __repr__(self): return "<class {}: {} >".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.filename)
[docs] def arrange_ch_info(self): """creates ch_info dataframe and ch_list array""" array = [ "Channel:", "Export Channel:", "Effective Date:", "Type:", "Description:", "Serial Number:", "Height:", "Bearing:", "Vane Mounting Angle:", "Scale Factor:", "Offset:", "Units:", ] if self.ch_details: array += [ "P-SCM Type:", "Total Direction Offset:", "Dead Band East:", "Dead Band West:", "Excitation Mode:", "Excitation Value:", "Data Logging Mode:", ] else: pass self.array = array self.ch_info = pd.DataFrame() ch_data = {} ch_list = [] ch_details = 0 for row in self.site_info.loc[self.site_info[0].isin(array)].iterrows(): if row[1][0] == array[0] and ch_details == 0: # start channel data read ch_details = 1 ch_data[row[1][0]] = row[1][1] elif ( row[1][0] == array[0] and ch_details == 1 ): # close channel, start new data read ch_list.append(ch_data) ch_data = {} ch_data[row[1][0]] = row[1][1] elif row[1][0] in str(array): ch_data[row[1][0]] = row[1][1] ch_list.append(ch_data) # last channel's data ch_df = pd.DataFrame(ch_list) self.ch_list = ch_list self.ch_info = pd.concat( [self.ch_info, ch_df], ignore_index=True, axis=0, join="outer" ) return self
[docs] def format_site_data(self): """take txt header to create oject data""" try: self.Site_info = self.site_info.copy() self._site_info = self.Site_info.T self._site_info.columns = self._site_info.iloc[0] self._site_info.columns = self._site_info.iloc[0] self._site_info = self._site_info[1:] try: width = list(self._site_info.columns.values).index("Sensor History") self._site_info = self._site_info.iloc[:, :width] except ( ValueError ): # allows for parsing site info in diagnostic & events export, which don't have sensor history pass self._site_info.rename(columns=renamer(), inplace=True) self._site_info.columns = [ str(col).replace(":", "").strip() for col in self._site_info.columns ] self.latitude = float(self._site_info["Latitude"].values[0]) self.longitude = float(self._site_info["Longitude"].values[0]) self.elevation = int(self._site_info["Elevation"].values[0]) self.location = self._site_info["Location"].values[0] self.site_number = self._site_info["Site Number"].values[0] self.site_description = self._site_info["Site Description"].values[0] self.project = self._site_info["Project"].values[0] self.coordinate_system = self._site_info["Coordinate System"].values[0] self.tower = self._site_info["Tower"].values[0] self.site_description = self._site_info["Site Description"].values[0] self.logger_sn = self._site_info["Serial Number"].values[0] self.logger_type = self._site_info["Model"].values[0] self.logger_firmware = self._site_info["Firmware"].values[0] self.ipack_sn = self._site_info["Serial Number_1"].values[0] self.ipack_type = self._site_info["Model_1"].values[0] self.ipack_firmware = self._site_info["Firmware_1"].values[0] self.time_zone = self._site_info["Time Zone"].values[0] except Exception as e: self.e = e print("Warning: error processing site_info: {}".format(e)) logger.error(f"Cannot parse site info: {e}")
[docs] def concat_txt( self, txt_dir="", file_type="meas", file_filter="", filter2="", start_date="1970-01-01", end_date="2150-12-31", ch_details=False, output_txt=False, out_file="", progress_bar=True, **kwargs, ): """Will concatenate all text files in the txt_dir files must match the site_filter argument. Note these are both blank by default. Parameters ---------- txt_dir : str (path-like) directory holding txt files file_type : str type of export (meas, event, comm, sample, etc...) file_filter : str text filter for txt files, like site number, etc. filter2 : str secondary text filter start_date : str for filtering files to concat based on date "YYYY-mm-dd" end_date : str for filtering files to concat based on date "YYYY-mm-dd" ch_details : bool show additional info in ch_info dataframe output_txt : bool create a txt output of data df out_file : str filename to write data dataframe too if output_txt = True progress_bar : bool show bar on concat [True] or list of files [False] Returns ------- ch_info : obj pandas dataframe of ch_list (below) pulled out of file with sympro_txt_read.arrange_ch_info() ch_list : list list of channel info; can be converted to json w/ import json ... json.dumps(fut.ch_info) data : obj pandas dataframe of all data head : obj lines at the top of the txt file..., used when rebuilding timeshifted files site_info : obj pandas dataframe of site information logger_sn : str ipack_sn : str logger_type : str ipack_type : str latitude : float longitude : float elevation : int site_number : str site_description : str start_date : str txt_file_names : list list of files included in concatenation Examples -------- Read files into nrgpy reader object >>> import nrgpy >>> reader = nrgpy.SymProTextRead() >>> reader.concat_txt( txt_dir='/path/to/txt/files/', file_filter='123456', # site 123456 start_date='2020-01-01', end_date='2020-01-31', ) Time elapsed: 2 s | 33 / 33 [=============================================] 100% Queue processed >>> reader.logger_sn '820600019' >>> reader.ch_info Bearing: Channel: Description: Effective Date: Height: Offset: Scale Factor: Serial Number: Type: Units: 0 50.00 1 NRG S1 2020-01-31 00:00:00 33.00 0.13900 0.09350 94120000059 Anemometer m/s 1 230.00 2 NRG S1 2020-01-31 00:00:00 0.00 0.13900 0.09350 94120000058 Anemometer m/s 2 50.00 3 NRG S1 2020-01-31 00:00:00 22.00 0.13900 0.09350 94120000057 Anemometer m/s 3 230.00 4 NRG 40C Anem 2020-01-31 00:00:00 22.00 0.35000 0.76500 179500324860 Anemometer m/s 4 50.00 5 NRG 40C Anem 2020-01-31 00:00:00 12.00 0.35000 0.76500 179500324859 Anemometer m/s 5 230.00 6 NRG S1 2020-01-31 00:00:00 12.00 0.13900 0.09350 94120000056 Anemometer m/s 6 320.00 13 NRG 200M Vane 2020-01-31 00:00:00 32.00 -1.46020 147.91100 10700000125 Vane Deg 7 320.00 14 NRG 200M Vane 2020-01-31 00:00:00 21.00 -1.46020 147.91100 10700000124 Vane Deg 8 0.00 15 NRG T60 Temp 2020-01-31 00:00:00 34.00 -40.85550 44.74360 9400000705 Analog C 9 0.00 16 NRG T60 Temp 2020-01-31 00:00:00 2.00 -40.85550 44.74360 9400000xxx Analog C 10 0.00 17 NRG RH5X Humi 2020-01-31 00:00:00 0.00 0.00000 20.00000 NaN Analog %RH 11 0.00 20 NRG BP60 Baro 2020-01-31 00:00:00 0.00 495.27700 243.91400 NaN Analog hPa 12 0.00 21 NRG BP60 Baro 2020-01-31 00:00:00 2.00 495.04400 244.23900 9396FT1937 Analog hPa """ if "site_filter" in kwargs and file_filter == "": self.file_filter = kwargs.get("site_filter") else: self.file_filter = file_filter self.ch_details = ch_details self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.filter2 = filter2 self.file_type = file_type self.txt_file_names = [] if check_platform() == "win32": self.txt_dir = windows_folder_path(txt_dir) else: self.txt_dir = linux_folder_path(txt_dir) first_file = True files = [ os.path.join(self.txt_dir, f) for f in sorted(os.listdir(self.txt_dir)) if f.endswith("txt") and self.file_filter in f and self.filter2 in f and self.file_type in f and string_date_check(self.start_date, self.end_date, f) ] self.file_count = len(files) self.pad = len(str(self.file_count)) self.counter = 1 self.start_time ="Concatenating {self.file_count} files...") for f in files: if progress_bar: draw_progress_bar(self.counter, self.file_count, self.start_time) else: print( "Adding {0}/{1} ... {2} ... ".format( str(self.counter).rjust(self.pad), str(self.file_count).ljust(self.pad), os.path.basename(f), ), end="", flush=True, ) if first_file: first_file = False try: base = sympro_txt_read(f, text_timestamps=self.text_timestamps) if not progress_bar: print("[OK]") self.txt_file_names.append(os.path.basename(f)) except IndexError: print("Only standard SymPRO headertypes accepted") break except Exception: if not progress_bar: print("[FAILED]") print("could not concat {0}".format(os.path.basename(f))) pass else: file_path = f try: s = sympro_txt_read( file_path, ch_details=self.ch_details, text_timestamps=self.text_timestamps, site_details=False, ) = pd.concat( [,], ignore_index=True, axis=0, join="outer" ) base.ch_info = pd.concat( [base.ch_info, s.ch_info], ignore_index=True, axis=0, join="outer", ) if not progress_bar: print("[OK]") self.txt_file_names.append(os.path.basename(f)) except Exception: if not progress_bar: print("[FAILED]") print("could not concat {0}".format(os.path.basename(f))) pass self.counter += 1 if out_file != "": self.out_file = out_file if output_txt:, out_file), sep=",", index=False) try: self.ch_info = s.ch_info self.ch_list = s.ch_list self.array = s.array =["Timestamp"], keep="first"), inplace=True) base.ch_info["ch"] = base.ch_info["Channel:"].astype(int) self.ch_info = ( base.ch_info.sort_values(by=["ch"]) .drop_duplicates( subset=[ "Serial Number:", "Channel:", "Type:", "Description:", "Height:", "Bearing:", "Scale Factor:", "Offset:", "Units:", ], ignore_index=True, ) .drop(columns=["ch"], axis=1) ) self.head = s.head self.site_info = s.site_info self.format_site_data() print("\n")"Concatenation of {len(} rows complete") except UnboundLocalError: print("No files match to contatenate.") logger.error(f"No files in {self.txt_dir} match to contatenate.") return None
[docs] def select_channels_for_reformat(self, epe=False, soiling=False): """determines which of the channel headers fit those required for post-processing for either a. EPE formatting b. soiling ratio calculation Note that this formatting requires the the channel headers to be full (requires Local export of text files, as of 0.1.8. """ # for EPE formatting ch_anem = [ "Anem", "Anemometer", "anem", "anemometer", "Anemômetro", "anemômetro", ] ch_vane = [ "Vane", "vane", "Direction", "direction", "Veleta", "veleta", "Direção", "direção", "Vane w/Offset", ] ch_baro = ["mb", "hpa", "hPa", "millibar", "kPa", "baro", "Baro"] ch_relh = ["%RH", "%rh", "RH", "rh"] ch_temp = ["C", "c", "?C", "Temp", "deg c", "deg f", "temp"] # for soiling station ch_I_units = ["amps", "amperes", "a", "current"] ch_shunt_desc = ["shunt", "isc", "current"] ch_clean_desc = ["clean"] ch_soiled_desc = ["soil", "soiled", "dirty"] ch_PV_temp = ["pv", "panel"] if epe: self.anem1 = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Type:"].isin(ch_anem)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=False) .iloc[[0]] ) self.anem2 = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Type:"].isin(ch_anem)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=True) .iloc[[0]] ) self.anem3 = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Type:"].isin(ch_anem)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=False) .iloc[[1]] ) self.vane1 = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Type:"].isin(ch_vane)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=False) .iloc[[0]] ) self.vane2 = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Type:"].isin(ch_vane)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=False) .iloc[[1]] ) try: self.baro = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Units:"].isin(ch_baro)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=False) .iloc[[0]] ) except Exception: self.baro = None try: self.relh = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Units:"].isin(ch_relh)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=False) .iloc[[0]] ) except Exception: self.relh = None try: self.temp = ( self.ch_info.loc[self.ch_info["Units:"].isin(ch_temp)] .sort_values(["Height:"], ascending=False) .iloc[[0]] ) except Exception: self.temp = None self.make_header_for_epe() # select channels needed for soiling calculation if soiling: try: self.isc_clean = self.ch_info.loc[ ( self.ch_info["Description:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_clean_desc)) & ( self.ch_info["Units:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_I_units)) ) ) ] self.isc_soiled = self.ch_info.loc[ ( self.ch_info["Description:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_soiled_desc)) & ( self.ch_info["Units:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_I_units)) ) ) ] self.pv_temp_clean = self.ch_info.loc[ ( self.ch_info["Description:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_clean_desc)) & ( self.ch_info["Units:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_temp)) ) ) ] self.pv_temp_soiled = self.ch_info.loc[ ( self.ch_info["Description:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_soiled_desc)) & ( self.ch_info["Units:"] .str.lower() .str.contains("|".join(ch_temp)) ) ) ] except Exception: print("SC and PV Temp fields unavailable for calculation")
[docs] def format_data_for_epe(self): baro_ch = "Ch" + str(self.baro["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" temp_ch = "Ch" + str(self.temp["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" relh_ch = "Ch" + str(self.relh["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" anem1_ch = "Ch" + str(self.anem1["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" anem2_ch = "Ch" + str(self.anem2["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" anem3_ch = "Ch" + str(self.anem3["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" vane1_ch = "Ch" + str(self.vane1["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" vane2_ch = "Ch" + str(self.vane2["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_"["CH01"] = (["Timestamp"].str.split(" ", 1).str[0].str.replace("-", "") )["CH02"] = (["Timestamp"].str.split(" ", 1).str[1].str.replace(":", "") )["CH03"] = "000" try:["CH04"] =[ [col for col in if (baro_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ] except Exception:["CH04"] = "000" try:["CH05"] =[ [col for col in if (temp_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ] except Exception:["CH05"] = "000" try:["CH06"] =[ [col for col in if (relh_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ] except Exception:["CH06"] = "000" try:["CH07"] =[ [col for col in if (anem1_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ]["CH08"] =[ [col for col in if (anem1_ch in col and "Max" in col)] ]["CH09"] =[ [col for col in if (anem1_ch in col and "Min" in col)] ]["CH10"] =[ [col for col in if (anem1_ch in col and "SD" in col)] ] except Exception: (["CH07"],["CH08"],["CH09"],["CH10"], ) = "000" try:["CH11"] =[ [col for col in if (vane1_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ]["CH12"] =[ [col for col in if (vane1_ch in col and "SD" in col)] ] except Exception:["CH11"],["CH12"] = "000" try:["CH13"] =[ [col for col in if (anem2_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ]["CH14"] =[ [col for col in if (anem2_ch in col and "Max" in col)] ]["CH15"] =[ [col for col in if (anem2_ch in col and "Min" in col)] ]["CH16"] =[ [col for col in if (anem2_ch in col and "SD" in col)] ] except Exception: (["CH13"],["CH14"],["CH15"],["CH16"], ) = "000" try:["CH17"] =[ [col for col in if (vane2_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ]["CH18"] =[ [col for col in if (vane2_ch in col and "SD" in col)] ] except Exception:["CH17"],["CH18"] = "000" try:["CH19"] =[ [col for col in if (anem3_ch in col and "Avg" in col)] ]["CH20"] =[ [col for col in if (anem3_ch in col and "Max" in col)] ]["CH21"] =[ [col for col in if (anem3_ch in col and "Min" in col)] ]["CH22"] =[ [col for col in if (anem3_ch in col and "SD" in col)] ] except Exception: (["CH19"],["CH20"],["CH21"],["CH22"], ) = "000"
[docs] def make_header_for_epe(self): array = ["Site Number:"] sitenum = ( self.site_info.loc[self.site_info[0].isin(array)][1] .to_string() .split(" ")[-1] ) starttime = ( .values[0][0] .replace("-", "") .replace(" ", "") .replace(":", "") ) endtime = ( .values[0][0] .replace("-", "") .replace(" ", "") .replace(":", "") ) a1_height = str(self.anem1["Height:"].iloc[0]) a2_height = str(self.anem2["Height:"].iloc[0]) a3_height = str(self.anem3["Height:"].iloc[0]) v1_height = str(self.vane1["Height:"].iloc[0]) v2_height = str(self.vane2["Height:"].iloc[0]) header = [] header.append("Estaçao " + str(sitenum)) header.append("Início " + str(starttime)) header.append("Fim " + str(endtime)) header.append( "CH01 Dia do início do intervalo (de 10 minutos) de medição [AAAMMDD]" ) header.append( "CH02 Horário do início do intervalo (de 10 minutos) de medição [hhmmss]" ) header.append( 'CH03 Código de erro do intervalo, com "0" indicando medição sem erro' ) header.append("CH04 Pressão do ar [hPa]: média do intervalo") header.append("CH05 Temperatura do ar [°C]: média do intervalo") header.append("CH06 Umidade relativa do ar [%rel]: média do intervalo") header.append( "CH07 Anemômetro superior " + a1_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: média do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH08 Anemômetro superior " + a1_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: máximo do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH09 Anemômetro superior " + a1_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: mínimo do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH10 Anemômetro superior " + a1_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: desvio padrão do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH11 Wind Vane superior " + v1_height + ", direção de vento [°]: média do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH12 Wind Vane superior " + v1_height + ", direção de vento [°]: desvio padrão do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH13 Anemômetro 2 " + a2_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: média do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH14 Anemômetro 2 " + a2_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: máximo do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH15 Anemômetro 2 " + a2_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: mínimo do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH16 Anemômetro 2 " + a2_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: desvio padrão do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH17 Wind Vane 2 " + v2_height + ", direção de vento [°]: média do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH18 Wind Vane 2 " + v2_height + ", direção de vento [°]: média do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH19 Anemômetro 3 " + a3_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: média do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH20 Anemômetro 3 " + a3_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: máximo do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH21 Anemômetro 3 " + a3_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: mínimo do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH22 Anemômetro 3 " + a3_height + ", velocidade do vento [m/s]: desvio padrão do intervalo" ) header.append( "CH01|CH02|CH03|CH04|CH05|CH06|CH07|CH08|CH09|CH10|CH11|CH12|CH13|CH14|CH15|CH16|CH17|CH18|CH19|CH20|CH21|CH22|" ) header.append("dados") self.header = header
[docs] def calculate_soiling_ratio( self, method="IEC", T0=25, G0=1000, alpha=0.0004, I_clean_SC_0=0.900000, I_soiled_SC_0=0.900000, ): isc_clean_ch = "Ch" + str(self.isc_clean["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" isc_soiled_ch = "Ch" + str(self.isc_soiled["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" pv_clean_ch = "Ch" + str(self.pv_temp_clean["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" pv_soiled_ch = "Ch" + str(self.pv_temp_soiled["Channel:"].iloc[0]) + "_" try:["I_clean_SC"] =[ [ col for col in if (isc_clean_ch in col and "Avg" in col) ] ]["I_soiled_SC"] =[ [ col for col in if (isc_soiled_ch in col and "Avg" in col) ] ]["T_clean"] =[ [ col for col in if (pv_clean_ch in col and "Avg" in col) ] ]["T_soiled"] =[ [ col for col in if (pv_soiled_ch in col and "Avg" in col) ] ] except Exception: print("error replicating ISC or PV data") if method == "IEC": try: # calculate G["G"] = ( G0 * (["I_clean_SC"] * (1 - alpha * (["T_clean"] - T0)) ) / I_clean_SC_0 ) except Exception: print("could not calculate G column") try: # calculate SR["SR"] =["I_soiled_SC"] / ( I_soiled_SC_0 * (1 + (alpha * (["T_soiled"] - T0))) * (["G"] / G0) ) except Exception: print("could not calculate SR column")
[docs] def output_txt_file( self, epe=False, soiling=False, standard=True, shift_timestamps=False, out_file="", **kwargs, ): out_dir = kwargs.get("out_dir", "") if epe: if out_file != "": output_name = os.path.join(out_dir, out_file) else: output_name = os.path.join(out_dir, self.out_file[:-4]) + "_EPE.txt" print( "\nOutputting file: {0} ... ".format(output_name), end="", flush=True, ) try: output_file = open(output_name, "w+", encoding="utf-16") output_file.truncate() self.select_channels_for_reformat(epe=True) self.format_data_for_epe() for line in self.header: try: output_file.write(line + "\n") except Exception: pass output_file.close() col_prefix = "CH" cols = [] for i in range(1, 23, 1): col_num = str(i).zfill(2) col_name = col_prefix + str(col_num) cols.append(col_name) self.cols = cols with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-16") as f: f, header=False, sep="|", columns=cols, index=False, index_label=False, decimal=",", lineterminator="|\n", float_format="%.2f", ) f.close() print("[OK]") except Exception as e: print("[FAILED]") print(e) else: if soiling: if out_file != "": output_name = os.path.join(out_dir, out_file) else: output_name = ( os.path.join(out_dir, self.out_file[:-4]) + "_soiling.txt" ) output_file = open(output_name, "w+", encoding="utf-8") output_file.truncate() output_file.write(self.head) output_file.close() # write header with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.site_info.to_csv( f, header=False, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, lineterminator="\n", ) output_file.close() # write data with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f, header=True, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, lineterminator="\n", ) output_file.close() if shift_timestamps: os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) file_date = ( str([0]["Timestamp"]) .replace(" ", "_") .replace(":", ".")[:-3] ) file_num = self.filename.split("_")[len(self.filename.split("_")) - 2] file_name = "{0}_{1}_{2}_meas.txt".format( self.site_number, file_date, file_num ) output_name = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name) self.output_name = output_name output_file = open(output_name, "w+", encoding="utf-8") output_file.truncate() output_file.write(self.head) output_file.close() with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: try: self.site_info = self.site_info.replace( self.first_timestamp, str([0]["Timestamp"]) ) except Exception: print( "couldn't rename 'Effective Date:' info in {0}".format( output_name ) ) pass self.site_info.to_csv( f, header=False, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, lineterminator="\n", ) output_file.close() with open(output_name, "U") as f: text = while "\t\n" in text: text = text.replace("\t\n", "\n") with open(output_name, "w") as f: f.write(text) with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f, header=True, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, lineterminator="\n", ) output_file.close() self.insert_blank_header_rows(output_name) if standard: if out_file != "": output_name = os.path.join(out_dir, out_file) else: output_name = ( os.path.join(out_dir, self.out_file[:-4]) + "_standard.txt" ) print( "\nOutputting file: {0} ... ".format(output_name), end="", flush=True, ) try: output_file = open(output_name, "w+", encoding="utf-8") output_file.truncate() output_file.write(self.head) output_file.close() # write header with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.site_info.to_csv( f, header=False, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, lineterminator="\n", ) output_file.close() # write data with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f, header=True, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, lineterminator="\n", ) output_file.close() self.insert_blank_header_rows(output_name) print("[OK]") except Exception as e: print("[FAILED]") print(e)
[docs] def insert_blank_header_rows(self, filename): """insert blank rows when using shift_timestamps() ensures the resulting text file looks and feels like an original Sympro Desktop exported """ header_section_headings = [ "Export Parameters", "Site Properties", "Logger History", "iPack History", "Sensor History", "Data", ] blank_list = [] for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Export Parameters") == True ].index: blank_list.append(i) export_parameter_line = i + 2 for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Site Properties") == True ].index: blank_list.append(i) site_properties_line = i + 2 for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Logger History") == True ].index: blank_list.append(i) logger_history_line = i + 2 for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("iPack History") == True ].index: blank_list.append(i) ipack_history_line = i + 2 for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Sensor History") == True ].index: blank_list.append(i) sensor_history_line = i + 2 skip_first_channel = True for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Channel:") == True ].index: if skip_first_channel: skip_first_channel = False else: blank_list.append(i) for i in self.site_info[self.site_info[0].str.match("Data") == True].index: blank_list.append(i) data_line = i + 2 for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Data Type:") == True ].index: blank_list.remove(i) for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Data Logging Mode:") == True ].index: blank_list.remove(i) try: for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Math Function:") == True ].index: blank_list.remove(i) except Exception: pass try: for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("GHI Channel:") == True ].index: blank_list.remove(i) except Exception: pass try: for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("RHI Channel:") == True ].index: blank_list.remove(i) except Exception: pass try: for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("DIF Channel:") == True ].index: blank_list.remove(i) except Exception: pass f_read = open(filename, "r") contents = f_read.readlines() f_read.close() contents[export_parameter_line] = header_section_headings[0] + "\n" contents[site_properties_line] = header_section_headings[1] + "\n" contents[logger_history_line] = header_section_headings[2] + "\n" contents[ipack_history_line] = header_section_headings[3] + "\n" contents[sensor_history_line] = header_section_headings[4] + "\n" contents[data_line] = header_section_headings[5] + "\n" for i in list(reversed(sorted(blank_list))): contents.insert(i + 2, "\n") f_write = open(filename, "w") contents = "".join(contents) f_write.write(contents) f_write.close()
[docs]def shift_timestamps( txt_folder: str = "", out_folder: str = "", file_filter: str = "", start_date: str = "1970-01-01", end_date: str = "2150-12-31", seconds: int = 3600, ): """Takes as input a folder of exported standard text files and time to shift in seconds. Parameters ---------- txt_folder : str path to folder with txt files to shift out_folder : str where to put the shifted files (in subfolder by default) file_filter : str filter for restricting file set start_date : str date filter "YYYY-mm-dd" end_date : str date filter "YYYY-mm-dd" seconds : int time in seconds to shift timestamps (default 3600) Returns ------- obj text files with shifted timestamps; new file names include shifted timestamp. """ if out_folder: out_dir = out_folder else: out_dir = os.path.join(txt_folder, "shifted_timestamps") os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = [ f for f in sorted(glob(txt_folder + "/" + "*.txt")) if file_filter in f and string_date_check(start_date, end_date, f) ] file_count = len(files) counter = 1 start_time = for f in files: try: draw_progress_bar(counter, file_count, start_time) f = os.path.join(txt_folder, f) fut = sympro_txt_read(filename=f) fut.format_site_data()["Timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(["Timestamp"]) + timedelta( seconds=seconds ) fut.output_txt_file( shift_timestamps=True, standard=False, out_dir=out_dir, out_file=f ) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: pass except Exception: print(traceback.format_exc()) pass counter += 1
sympro_txt_read = SymProTextRead