Source code for

    from nrgpy import logger
except ImportError:
import datetime
from datetime import datetime, timedelta  # noqa: F811
from glob import glob
import os
import pandas as pd
from nrgpy.utils.utilities import (
import traceback

[docs]class LogrRead: def __init__( self, filename: str = "", out_file: str = "", text_timestamps: bool = False, logger_local_time: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Class of Pandas dataframes created from LOGR dat file. If a filename is passed when calling class, the file is read in alone. Otherwise, an instance of the class is created, and the concat_txt function may be called to combine all txt files in a directory. Filters may be used on any part of the filename, to combine a subset of dat files in a directory. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional path to filename out_file : str, optional path to outputted file text_timestamps : boolean set to True for text timestamps logger_local_time : boolean (True) convert dat file UTC timestamps to logger local time Returns --------- ch_info : obj pandas dataframe of ch_list (below) pulled out of file with logr_read.arrange_ch_info() ch_list : list list of channel info; can be converted to json w/ import json ... json.dumps(fut.ch_info) data : obj pandas dataframe of all data head : obj lines at the top of the txt file..., used when rebuilding timeshifted files site_info : obj pandas dataframe of site information logger_sn : str logger_type : str latitude : float longitude : float elevation : int site_description : str start_date : str """ self.filename = filename self.text_timestamps = text_timestamps self.out_file = out_file self.logger_local_time = logger_local_time self.reader_type = "LOGR" if out_file == "": out_file ="%Y-%m-%d") + "_LOGR.dat" if self.filename: i = 0 with open(self.filename) as infile: for line in infile: if line == "Data\n": break else: i = i + 1 with open(self.filename) as myfile: self.head = "".join([myfile.readline() for _ in range(2)]) header_len = i + 1 read_len = header_len - 5 self.site_info = pd.read_csv( self.filename, skiprows=2, sep="\t", index_col=False, nrows=read_len, usecols=[0, 1], header=None, ) self.site_info = self.site_info.iloc[ : self.site_info.loc[self.site_info[0] == "Data"].index.tolist()[0] + 1 ] = pd.read_csv( self.filename, skiprows=header_len, sep="\t", encoding="iso-8859-1" ) if not self.text_timestamps:["Timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(["Timestamp"]) self.arrange_ch_info() if not hasattr(self, "site_details"): self.format_site_data() if self.logger_local_time and not self.text_timestamps:["TimestampUTC"] =["Timestamp"]["Timestamp"] =["TimestampUTC"] + timedelta( hours=int(self.time_zone) ) elif self.logger_local_time and self.text_timestamps: print( "Cannot convert timestamps to local if using text_timestamps==True" ) logger.error( "Cannot convert timestamps to local if using text_timestamps==True" ) self.first_timestamp =[0]["Timestamp"] def __repr__(self): return "<class {}: {} >".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.filename)
[docs] def arrange_ch_info(self): """creates ch_info dataframe and ch_list array""" array = [ "Channel:", "Channel", # <--- fix for missing colon in dat file Channel key "Sensor Type:", "Description:", "Serial Number:", "Measurand:", "Height:", "Bearing:", "Scale Factor:", "Offset:", "Units:", "Vane Mounting Angle:", "Gust Source Channel:", ] self.array = array self.ch_info = pd.DataFrame() ch_data = {} ch_list = [] ch_details = 0 for row in self.site_info.loc[self.site_info[0].isin(array)].iterrows(): # if row[1][0] == array[0] and ch_details == 0: # start channel data read if ( row[1][0] in (array[0], array[1]) and ch_details == 0 ): # start channel data read ch_details = 1 ch_data[row[1][0]] = row[1][1] elif ( # row[1][0] == array[0] and ch_details == 1 row[1][0] in (array[0], array[1]) and ch_details == 1 ): # close channel, start new data read ch_list.append(ch_data) ch_data = {} ch_data[row[1][0]] = row[1][1] elif row[1][0] in str(array): ch_data[row[1][0]] = row[1][1] ch_list.append(ch_data) # last channel's data ch_df = pd.DataFrame(ch_list) self.ch_list = ch_list self.ch_info = pd.concat( [self.ch_info, ch_df], ignore_index=True, axis=0, join="outer" ) # correction for calculated channel colon missing def return_channel_number(x): """temporary fix for missing colon on dat file Channel key""" if pd.isnull(x["Channel:"]): return x["Channel"] else: return x["Channel:"] self.ch_info["Channel:"] = self.ch_info.apply( lambda x: return_channel_number(x), axis=1 ) return self
[docs] def format_site_data(self): """take dat header to create oject data""" try: self.Site_info = self.site_info.copy() self._site_info = self.Site_info.T self._site_info.columns = self._site_info.iloc[0] self._site_info.columns = self._site_info.iloc[0] self._site_info = self._site_info[1:] width = list(self._site_info.columns.values).index("Sensor History") self._site_info.rename(columns=renamer(), inplace=True) self._site_info.drop( self._site_info.iloc[:, width : len(self._site_info.columns)], axis=1, inplace=True, errors="ignore", ) self._site_info.columns = [ str(col).replace(":", "").strip() for col in self._site_info.columns ] self.latitude = float(self._site_info["Latitude"].values[0]) self.longitude = float(self._site_info["Longitude"].values[0]) self.elevation = int(self._site_info["Elevation"].values[0]) self.location = self._site_info["Location"].values[0] self.project = self._site_info["Project"].values[0] self.site_description = self._site_info["Site"].values[0] self.logger_sn = self._site_info["Serial Number"].values[0] self.site_number = self.logger_sn self.logger_type = self._site_info["Model Number"].values[0] self.logger_model = self.logger_type self.time_zone = self._site_info["Time Zone"].values[0] # self.ch_info.drop(columns=['Channel'], inplace=True) except Exception as e: self.e = e print("Warning: error processing site_info: {}".format(e)) logger.error(f"Cannot parse site info: {e}")
[docs] def concat_txt( self, dat_dir: str = "", file_type: str = "statistical", file_filter: str = "", filter2: str = "", start_date: str = "1970-01-01", end_date: str = "2150-12-31", ch_details: bool = False, output_txt: bool = False, out_file: str = "", progress_bar: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """Will concatenate all text files in the dat_dir files must match the site_filter argument. Note these are both blank by default. Parameters ---------- dat_dir : str (path-like) directory holding txt files file_type : str type of export (meas, event, comm, sample, etc...) file_filter : str text filter for txt files, like site number, etc. filter2 : str secondary text filter start_date : str for filtering files to concat based on date "YYYY-mm-dd" end_date : str for filtering files to concat based on date "YYYY-mm-dd" ch_details : bool show additional info in ch_info dataframe output_txt : bool create a txt output of data df out_file : str filename to write data dataframe too if output_txt = True progress_bar : bool show bar on concat [True] or list of files [False] Returns ------- ch_info : obj pandas dataframe of ch_list (below) pulled out of file with logr_read.arrange_ch_info() ch_list : list list of channel info; can be converted to json w/ import json ... json.dumps(fut.ch_info) data : obj pandas dataframe of all data head : obj lines at the top of the txt file..., used when rebuilding timeshifted files site_info : obj pandas dataframe of site information logger_sn : str ipack_sn : str logger_type : str ipack_type : str latitude : float longitude : float elevation : int site_number : str site_description : str start_date : str dat_file_names : list list of files included in concatenation Examples -------- Read files into nrgpy reader object >>> import nrgpy >>> reader = nrgpy.logr_read() >>> reader.concat_txt( dat_dir='/path/to/dat/files/', file_filter='123456', # site 123456 start_date='2020-01-01', end_date='2020-01-31', ) Time elapsed: 2 s | 33 / 33 [=============================================] 100% Queue processed >>> reader.logger_sn '511' >>> reader.ch_info Channel: Description: Offset: Scale Factor: Serial Number: Type: Units: 0 1 NRG S1 0.13900 0.09350 94120000059 Anemometer m/s 1 2 NRG S1 0.13900 0.09350 94120000058 Anemometer m/s 2 3 NRG S1 0.13900 0.09350 94120000057 Anemometer m/s 3 4 NRG 40C Anem 0.35000 0.76500 179500324860 Anemometer m/s 4 5 NRG 40C Anem 0.35000 0.76500 179500324859 Anemometer m/s 5 6 NRG S1 0.13900 0.09350 94120000056 Anemometer m/s 6 13 NRG 200M Vane -1.46020 147.91100 10700000125 Vane Deg 7 14 NRG 200M Vane -1.46020 147.91100 10700000124 Vane Deg 8 5 NRG T60 Temp -40.85550 44.74360 9400000705 Analog C 9 6 NRG T60 Temp 40.85550 44.74360 9400000xxx Analog C 10 7 NRG RH5X Humi 0.00000 20.00000 NaN Analog %RH 11 0 NRG BP60 Baro 95.27700 243.91400 NaN Analog hPa 12 1 NRG BP60 Baro 95.04400 244.23900 9396FT1937 Analog hPa """ if "site_filter" in kwargs and file_filter == "": self.file_filter = kwargs.get("site_filter") else: self.file_filter = file_filter self.ch_details = ch_details self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.filter2 = filter2 self.file_type = file_type self.dat_file_names = [] if "txt_dir" in kwargs and not dat_dir: dat_dir = kwargs.get("txt_dir") if check_platform() == "win32": self.dat_dir = windows_folder_path(dat_dir) else: self.dat_dir = linux_folder_path(dat_dir) first_file = True files = [ os.path.join(self.dat_dir, f) for f in sorted(os.listdir(self.dat_dir)) if f.endswith("dat") and self.file_filter in f and self.filter2 in f and self.file_type in f and string_date_check(self.start_date, self.end_date, f) ] self.file_count = len(files) self.pad = len(str(self.file_count)) self.counter = 1 self.start_time = self.failed_files = []"Concatenating {self.file_count} files...") for f in files: if progress_bar: draw_progress_bar(self.counter, self.file_count, self.start_time) else: print( "Adding {0}/{1} ... {2} ... ".format( str(self.counter).rjust(self.pad), str(self.file_count).ljust(self.pad), os.path.basename(f), ), end="", flush=True, ) if first_file: first_file = False try: base = logr_read( f, text_timestamps=self.text_timestamps, logger_local_time=self.logger_local_time, ) if not progress_bar: print("[OK]") self.dat_file_names.append(os.path.basename(f)) except IndexError: print("Only standard LOGR headertypes accepted") break except Exception: if not progress_bar: print("[FAILED]") print("could not concat {0}".format(os.path.basename(f))) logger.error("could not concat {0}".format(os.path.basename(f))) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) else: file_path = f try: s = logr_read( file_path, ch_details=self.ch_details, text_timestamps=self.text_timestamps, site_details=False, ) = pd.concat( [,], ignore_index=True, axis=0, join="outer" ) base.ch_info = pd.concat( [base.ch_info, s.ch_info], ignore_index=True, axis=0, join="outer", ) if not progress_bar: print("[OK]") self.dat_file_names.append(os.path.basename(f)) except IndexError: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.failed_files.append(f) except Exception: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) if not progress_bar: print("[FAILED]") print("could not concat {0}".format(os.path.basename(f))) pass self.counter += 1 if out_file != "": self.out_file = out_file if output_txt:, out_file), sep=",", index=False) try: self.ch_info = s.ch_info self.ch_list = s.ch_list self.array = s.array =["Timestamp"], keep="first"), inplace=True) base.ch_info["ch"] = base.ch_info["Channel:"].astype(int) try: self.ch_info = ( base.ch_info.sort_values(by=["ch"]) .drop_duplicates( subset=[ col for col in self.array if col in base.ch_info.columns ], ignore_index=True, ) .drop(columns=["ch", "Channel"], axis=1) ) except KeyError as e: logger.debug(e) self.first_timestamp = base.first_timestamp self.head = s.head self.site_info = s.site_info self.format_site_data() print("\n")"Concatenation of {len(} rows complete") except UnboundLocalError: print("No files match to contatenate.") logger.error(f"No files in {self.dat_dir} match to contatenate.") return None if len(self.failed_files) > 0: print( f"{len(self.failed_files)} files unable to be concatenated. See failed_files list" # noqa: E501 )
[docs] def output_txt_file( self, standard: bool = True, shift_timestamps: bool = False, out_file: str = "", **kwargs, ): out_dir = kwargs.get("out_dir", "") if shift_timestamps: os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) file_date = ( str([0]["Timestamp"]) .replace(" ", "_") .replace(":", ".")[:-3] ) file_num = self.filename.split("_")[len(self.filename.split("_")) - 2] file_name = "{0}_{1}_{2}_meas.txt".format( self.site_number, file_date, file_num ) output_name = os.path.join(out_dir, file_name) self.output_name = output_name output_file = open(output_name, "w+", encoding="utf-8") output_file.truncate() output_file.write(self.head) output_file.close() with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: try: self.site_info = self.site_info.replace( self.first_timestamp, str([0]["Timestamp"]) ) except Exception: print( "couldn't rename 'Effective Date:' info in {0}".format( output_name ) ) logger.error( "couldn't rename 'Effective Date:' info in {0}".format( output_name ) ) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.site_info.to_csv( f, header=False, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, line_terminator="\n", ) output_file.close() with open(output_name, "U") as f: text = while "\t\n" in text: text = text.replace("\t\n", "\n") with open(output_name, "w") as f: f.write(text) with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f, header=True, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, line_terminator="\n", ) output_file.close() self.insert_blank_header_rows(output_name) if standard: if out_file != "": output_name = out_file else: output_name = self.out_file[:-4] + "_standard.txt" print( "\nOutputting file: {0} ... ".format(output_name), end="", flush=True, )"\nOutputting file: {0} ... ".format(output_name)) try: output_file = open(output_name, "w+", encoding="utf-8") output_file.truncate() output_file.write(self.head) output_file.close() # write header with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.site_info.to_csv( f, header=False, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, line_terminator="\n", ) output_file.close() # write data with open(output_name, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f: f, header=True, sep="\t", index=False, index_label=False, line_terminator="\n", ) output_file.close() self.insert_blank_header_rows(output_name) print("[OK]") except Exception: print("[FAILED]") print(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error(f"Outputting {output_name} failed") logger.debug(traceback.format_exc())
[docs] def insert_blank_header_rows(self, filename: str): """insert blank rows when using shift_timestamps() ensures the resulting text file looks and feels like an original LOGR export """ header_section_headings = [ "Site Properties", "File Properties", "Sensor History", "Data", ] blank_list = [] for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Site Properties") is True ].index: blank_list.append(i) site_properties_line = i + 2 for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("File Properties") is True ].index: blank_list.append(i) file_properties_line = i + 2 for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Sensor History") is True ].index: blank_list.append(i) sensor_history_line = i + 2 skip_first_channel = True for i in self.site_info[ self.site_info[0].str.contains("Channel:") is True ].index: if skip_first_channel: skip_first_channel = False else: blank_list.append(i) for i in self.site_info[self.site_info[0].str.match("Data") is True].index: blank_list.append(i) data_line = i + 2 f_read = open(filename, "r") contents = f_read.readlines() f_read.close() contents[site_properties_line] = header_section_headings[0] + "\n" contents[file_properties_line] = header_section_headings[1] + "\n" contents[sensor_history_line] = header_section_headings[2] + "\n" contents[data_line] = header_section_headings[3] + "\n" for i in list(reversed(sorted(blank_list))): contents.insert(i + 2, "\n") f_write = open(filename, "w") contents = "".join(contents) f_write.write(contents) f_write.close()
[docs]def shift_timestamps( txt_folder: str = "", out_folder: str = "", file_filter: str = "", start_date: str = "1970-01-01", end_date: str = "2150-12-31", seconds: int = 3600, ): """Takes as input a folder of exported standard text files and time to shift in seconds. Parameters ---------- txt_folder : str path to folder with txt files to shift out_folder : str where to put the shifted files (in subfolder by default) file_filter : str filter for restricting file set start_date : str date filter "YYYY-mm-dd" end_date : str date filter "YYYY-mm-dd" seconds : int time in seconds to shift timestamps (default 3600) Returns ------- obj text files with shifted timestamps; new file names include shifted timestamp. """ if out_folder: out_dir = out_folder else: out_dir = os.path.join(txt_folder, "shifted_timestamps") os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = [ f for f in sorted(glob(txt_folder + "/" + "*.txt")) if file_filter in f and string_date_check(start_date, end_date, f) ] file_count = len(files) counter = 1 start_time = for f in files: try: draw_progress_bar(counter, file_count, start_time) f = os.path.join(txt_folder, f) fut = logr_read(filename=f) fut.format_site_data()["Timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(["Timestamp"]) + timedelta( seconds=seconds ) fut.output_txt_file( shift_timestamps=True, standard=False, out_dir=out_dir, out_file=f ) except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: pass except Exception: print(traceback.format_exc()) pass counter += 1
logr_read = LogrRead