Source code for nrgpy.convert.convert_rld

    from nrgpy import logger
except ImportError:
from datetime import datetime
import os
import subprocess
import time
import traceback
from nrgpy.api.convert import nrg_api_convert
from nrgpy.utils.utilities import (

[docs]class local: """For handling NRG SymphoniePRO Data Logger raw data files in the *.rld format. This method uses locally installed SymphoniePRO Desktop software to convert *.rld files to txt format (tab-delimited-text). Parameters ---------- rld_dir : str, optional (path-like) specify directory. Note for unc values, you will need to escape all forward slashes, e.g. rld_dir = "\\\\network\\techsupport\\data\\" or use the r'\\path\to\dir' approach out_dir : str, optional (path-like) see note for rld_dir. encryption_pass : str specify data encryption password if logger is set up for that. hex_key : str specify if using hex data encryption key sympro_path : str default is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renewable NRG Systems\SymPRO Desktop\SymPRODesktop.exe" process_type : str [convert], or import convert_type : str 'meas', alternately specify 'comm', 'diag', 'sample', or 'events' nec : str path to nec file site_filter : str specify part or all of the file you'd like to filter on, like site_filter='123456_2018-09' would filter on site 123456 and only the month of September in 2018. site_file : bool or str set to True to use local ndb site file, or set to path to an alternate ndb site file Examples -------- Convert a folder of RLD files to Text with SymphoniePRO Desktop Software >>> from nrgpy.convert_rld import local >>> converter = local( rld_dir='/path/to/rld/files', out_dir=/path/to/txt/outputs, file_filter='123456_2020-01', # for files from January 2020 ) >>> converter.convert() """ def __init__( self, rld_dir: str="", out_dir: str="", encryption_pass: str="", hex_key: str="", filename: str="", sympro_path: str=r'"C:/Program Files (x86)/Renewable NRG Systems/SymPRO Desktop/SymPRODesktop.exe"', process_type: str="convert", convert_type: str="meas", nec: str="", site_filter: str="", site_file: str="", **kwargs, ): self.rld_dir = windows_folder_path(rld_dir) self.out_dir = windows_folder_path(out_dir) self.encryption_pass = encryption_pass self.hex_key = hex_key self.sympro_path = sympro_path self.process_type = process_type self.convert_type = convert_type = nec self.site_filter = site_filter self.site_file = site_file if "file_filter" in kwargs and site_filter == "": self.file_filter = kwargs.get("file_filter") self.site_filter = self.file_filter if check_platform() == "win32": if is_sympro_running(): print( "SymphoniePRO Desktop is already running. Please close it and try again." ) logger.error( "SymphoniePRO Desktop is already running so it could not be run" ) elif filename: affirm_directory(self.out_dir) self.single_file(filepath=filename) else: print( """ convert_rld.local() method ONLY compatible with Windows OS. Please use nrgpy.cloud_convert() method instead. Alternately, follow the instructions for using SymphoniePRO Desktop with wine here: """ )
[docs] def directory(self): """processes all rld files in self.rld_dir, outputs to txt files to out_dir""" affirm_directory(self.out_dir) try: if self.encryption_pass: encryption = '/pass "{0}"'.format(self.encryption_pass) else: encryption = "" except Exception: print("could not parse encryption_pass") try: if self.hex_key: encryption_key = '/key "{0}"'.format(self.hex_key) else: encryption_key = "" except Exception: print("could not parse hex_key") try: if nec = '/config "{0}"'.format( else: nec = "" except Exception: print("could not parse encryption_pass") try: if self.site_file: site_file = "/site " elif self.site_file: site_file = '/site "{0}"'.format(self.site_file) else: site_file = "" except Exception: print("could not parse encryption_pass") try: rld_count = count_files(self.rld_dir, self.site_filter, "rld") self.start_time = time.time()"converting {0} files from {1}".format(rld_count, self.rld_dir)) print("\nConverting {0} files from {1}\n".format(rld_count, self.rld_dir)) print("Saving outputs to {0}".format(self.out_dir)) cmd = [ self.sympro_path, "/cmd", self.process_type, "/file", '"' + "\\".join([self.rld_dir, "*" + self.site_filter]) + '*.rld"', encryption, encryption_key, nec, site_file, "/type", '"' + self.convert_type + '"', "/outputdir", '"' + self.out_dir[:-1] + '"', ] # print('\nUsing command line script:\n{}'.format(" ".join(cmd))) self.cmd = cmd self.start =" ".join(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self.end = self.convert_time = str(self.end - self.start)"TXT files saved in {0}".format(self.out_dir)) print("\nTXT files saved in {0}\n".format(self.out_dir)) txt_count = count_files( self.out_dir, self.site_filter, "txt", start_time=self.start_time ) log_count, log_files = count_files( self.out_dir, self.site_filter, "log", show_files=True, start_time=self.start_time, )"IN: {rld_count}, OUT: {txt_count}, FAILED: {log_count}") print("RLDs in : {}".format(rld_count)) print("TXTs out : {}".format(txt_count)) print("LOGs out : {}".format(log_count)) if len(log_files) > 0: print("Log files created:") for _filename in log_files: print("\t{}".format(_filename)) print( "----------------\nDifference : {}".format( rld_count - (txt_count + log_count) ) ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error( "SymphoniePRO Desktop Application not found: {0}".format( self.sympro_path ) ) print( """ No instance of SymphoniePRO Desktop Application found. Please follow the link below to download and install this software: """ ) except Exception: logger.error("unable to process files in {0}".format(self.rld_dir)) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) print("Unable to process files in directory")
[docs] def convert(self):
[docs] def process(self):
[docs] def rename_rlds(self, **kwargs): """uses SymPRO utility NrgRldSiteSerialRename.exe to rename files with site number and logger serial number. This function is only compatible with Windows>=7 AND a local installation of SymphoniePRO Desktop software """ try: renamer_path = kwargs.get( "renamer_path", r"C:/Program Files (x86)/Renewable NRG Systems/SymPRO Desktop/Default Application Files/Utilities/NrgRldSiteSerialRename.exe", ) for f in os.listdir(self.rld_dir): filepath = self.rld_dir + f if f[-4:].lower() == ".rld" and self.site_filter in f: rename_cmd = [renamer_path, '"' + filepath + '"'] try:" ".join(rename_cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except: logger.error("unable to rename {0}".format(f)) print("Unable to rename {0}".format(f)) pass else: pass except Exception: logger.error("Could not rename files") logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) print("Could not rename files")
[docs] def single_file(self, filepath=""): self.filepath = filepath.replace("/", "\\") try: if self.encryption_pass: encryption = '/pass "{0}"'.format(self.encryption_pass) else: encryption = "" except Exception: print("could not parse encryption_pass") try: if self.hex_key: encryption_key = '/key "{0}"'.format(self.hex_key) else: encryption_key = "" except Exception: print("could not parse hex_key") try: if nec = '/config "{0}"'.format( else: nec = "" except Exception: print("could not get nec file") try: if self.site_file: site_file = '/site "{0}"'.format(self.site_file) else: site_file = "" except Exception: print("could not get site file") cmd = [ self.sympro_path, "/cmd", "convert", "/file", '"' + self.filepath + '"', encryption, encryption_key, nec, site_file, "/type", '"' + self.convert_type + '"', "/outputdir", '"' + self.out_dir[:-1] + '"', ] self.cmd = cmd try: print("{0} ... \t".format(filepath), end="", flush=True) p = " ".join(cmd), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) if ( "File does not" in p.stdout.decode() or "Decryption failed" in p.stdout.decode() ): print("[FAILED]") print(f"{p.stdout.decode()}") logger.error(f"{p.stdout.decode()}") else:"{p.stdout.decode()}") print("[DONE]") except Exception: logger.error("processing {0} FAILED".format(filepath)) logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) print("\n\t processing {0} [FAILED]".format(filepath)) pass"files in {0} processed OK".format(self.rld_dir))"TXT files saved to {0}".format(self.out_dir))
nrg_convert_api = nrg_api_convert